Dialga is the mascot of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and one of the strongest creatures a trainer can catch in the game.
For those looking to utilize Dialga in Shining Pearl, they will need to trade with a Brilliant Diamond trainer. However you come across one, Dialga can be a powerful partner on any team throughout the main story.
Dialga has an awesome typing of Steel/Dragon. That makes it only weak against Fighting and Ground-type attacks. Dialga can go up against almost any other Pokemon with no problem, especially with the proper moveset.
Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer and is meant to be used in the main story of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
The best Dialga moveset in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Roar of Time
Roar of Time is Dialga's signature move. Once you capture this Legendary Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond, it should already have this move in its moveset. Keep it for a wonderful Dragon-type move with a Same Type Attack Bonus. Dialga will have to recharge after using it, but its defensive capabilities should keep it alive.
Flash Cannon
Dialga has a higher Special Attack than its physical Attack stat. That is why Flash Cannon should be it's STAB Steel-type move. With that bonus, it will have 120 Power. It also comes with a chance to lower the target's Special Defense. If that happens, it will be left wide open for another round of massive damage from any of Dialga's moves.
Earth Power
Earth Power does the same as Flash Cannon. It is a Ground-type move, so it does not receive the Same Type Attack Bonus, but it does give a chance to lower the opposing Pokemon's Special Defense. This is good for a Pokemon who may be resistant to Steel-type attacks, such as a Fire-type.
Aura Sphere
Aura Sphere rounds out the moveset as another great coverage attack. This Fighting-type attack does Special damage and ignores accuracy and evasiveness. It will always land, giving Dialga the leg up against other Steel-types, including another Dialga. Its 80 Power is enough for this Legendary Pokemon to make it hurt.
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