A manga series called Blue Lock was created by Yuusuke Nomura and Muneyuki Kaneshiro. When Blue Lock first began serializing, it was already pretty well-known. However, with the anime adaptation this winter 2023 season, the series’ sales and popularity skyrocketed. Isagi Yoichi, a football player in high school, is the subject of the novel Blue Lock. Isagi loses the prefectural finals and hence his opportunity to compete on the Japanese national stage at the beginning of the novel. Isagi is given another chance just as all hope seems dead. Isagi is attempting to unseat Kaiser in this game as the Neo Egoist League gets underway with Bastard Munchen’s third match. Isagi has been improving at an incredible rate since the last match after getting meta vision, and he now has the chance to showcase his brand-new arsenal.
Raw Scans and Spoilers of Chapter 213
Following from the previous episode, Isagi scored his first Neo-Egoist League goal in this match against Italy. “A direct shot with your left, huh…?” says Aiku. You’re going to invent a new weapon.” Ness is still in denial about Isagi’s objective crushing him. Ness: “…Ha? Hah!? I’d not aware of it… I’m sorry, but…? You have the ability to shoot with your left… Yoichi, I’ve never heard of such a weapon…!? You couldn’t have done it in the last match but in the last few days you… “What the hell happened to your body?” Practice Room 5 days just before the match (back in Chapter 208).
Isagi went up to Kunigami. Muscle, Please lend me your expertise. Isagi told Kunigami, recalling Igaguri claiming that he’ll be a “foul man” who can get fouls with his right shoulder, “I just realized…” says Isagi. The problem of my direct shot is that I can only shoot accurately from my right! Yet you’ve imitated Noel Noa’s body and achieved ambidexterity. So, Kunigami, tell me! “How do I become as ambidextrous as you?” “What the heck are you speaking about that’s completely blue?” Kunigami asks. Return, you a clingy stalker.”
Isagi, on the other hand, claimed that it was fine if Kunigami only trained with him because he wanted to discover how Kuni’s body worked. “Then don’t do it,” Kunigami says. Your abilities (species) will perish. In the Wildcard, I was obliged to be ambidextrous, but only by luck due to my physical mass and structure… It makes no difference if you use my ways. On the contrary, if you put on unusual muscles, your physique is going to lose balance and you will be unable to perform at your current level.
Ego Juice
Chigiri and Isagi are perplexed by “ego juice” (It) and envisage Bachira releasing some liquid from his body. Bachira praised Kunigami’s goal and Isagi’s plays, as well as Chigiri’s goal. “That’s why I arrived to inquire about you, Hero-san,” Bachira says. “Please train with me.” Bachira climbs up Kunigami’s back. Kunigami: “Fuck that… I’m never going to some pleasant reunion…” “Same here!” says Bachira. I’m simply here to see just how far my fresh dribble will go me. I’m hoping we can annihilate each other.” Kunigami is annoyed. Chigiri proposed playing 2 against 2 because he wants to enhance his pace and cut-in.
Release Date and Where To Read
Blue Lock Chapter 212 will be released on March 29, 2023, at 12:00 AM JST. Each Tuesday/Wednesday, a new chapter of Blue Lock is published in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine. Obviously, the time and date of this book will vary from country to country because of the vastly various global time zones, and we have gathered a list of a few of these below:
- Eastern Time: Midday
- British Time: 5 PM
- Pacific Time: 9 AM
- Central Time: 11 AM
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